Friday 20 November 2015

Week November 16-19


This week we continued to study decimal numbers. We learned how to multiply decimal numbers and practiced it in word problems as well.

Here is a reminder of important steps to follow when solving problems:

1) Read the problem at least 2 or 3 times
2) Understand what the question is asking and highlight the important numbers/info in the text (cross out the info that is not useful!)
3) Write all calculation needed to solve the problem in an ORGANIZED way (few words  :  calculation __units) 
4) Answer the initial question with a short sentence including units ($, L, Kg, etc.)  

See Elboya VLC calendar for details on homework and due dates.


We just started our unit on Proof and Investigation!!!
This week we learned and practiced the difference between an observation and an inference.
We also exercised the process of ASKING GOOD QUESTIONS during an investigation...


Thursday 12 November 2015

Week November 9-13


This week we continued to study decimal numbers. We learned how to compare and order decimal numbers.

We also learned how to estimate and compute products involving decimal numbers 

(decimal number x positive whole number).


This week students presented their project 'Mon herbier'. This concluded our unit on 'Trees and forests'. We will start the unit on 'Proof and Investigation' next week.