Sunday 28 February 2016

Week February 22-26


This week we added a little more to last week`s conversions. We learned how to convert fractions that are not 'common', doing the long division in order to find the decimal form. We also learned how to transform a fraction and a decimal into a percentage and vice-versa (the triangle is now completed!). Students have started to memorize a few common fractions and their decimal / percent form.


This week in ASTRONOMY we focused on the study of the first 2 planets of the solar system, Mercury and Venus. We also started our 'Giant Solar System Decoration Project' on the side.

We also researched and took notes on the meaning of 'astéroïde', 'comète', 'météore', 'constellation', etc.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Week February 16-19


This week we made the connection between fractions and decimal numbers. Students learned and practiced to transform a fraction into a decimal number and a decimal number into a fraction. 
We also identified points on a number line, using both fractions and decimal numbers.


This week we introduced our unit on ASTRONOMY!
First, we brainstormed ideas and vocabulary, watched videos and discussed topics and questions that we will study more in detail through the unit.

Students learned about our solar system and its 8 planets (Pluto is not considered a planet since 2006). They took notes and drew the solar system: Mercure, Venus, Terre, Mars / ceinture d`astéroïdes/ Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus, Neptune

Thursday 11 February 2016

Week February 8-10


This week (a short one!) we continued to work on improper fractions and mixed numbers. We practiced how to order them - having to convert in a the same form first. Exercises in the textbook were given as well as problems #6 and #7 (due next Wednesday- see VLC calendar for details). 


Proof and Investigation:
We had a great field trip at the Calgary Police Center on Monday. The YouthLink team received us really well and students enjoyed their experience. 

On Wednesday, students had their unit test on Proof and Investigation (multiple choices - questions chosen from previous Science PAT`s) 

Sunday 7 February 2016

Week February 2-5


This week we focused on improper fractions and mixed numbers. We learned how to convert from a form to the other. We also reinforced the connection between improper fractions and mixed numbers using drawings. Students practiced to convert those forms (both ways) and also worked on problem solving involving these concepts (textbook).  


Proof and Investigation:
In preparation to our field trip to the Police Interpretative Center (on Feb. 8th), we are doing a REVIEW of the unit by completing activities related to the study of a crime scene (prepared by the police Center). Students are filling their Police Notebook!

1) How can handwriting samples lead to an arrest?
2) How do we find our suspects? 

We concluded our unit on Proof and Investigation with a vocabulary review activity ('Letter from a detective'). Students were given a study guide in order to prepare for the UNIT TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY.

Monday 1 February 2016

Week January 25-29


This week we continued to work on fractions. We learned to order fractions using a number line. Students practiced to draw the number line, divide it correctly and locate the fractions. They also worked on problem solving involving ordering fractions (textbook).  


Proof and Investigation:
In preparation to our field trip to the Police Interpretative Center (on Feb. 8th), we are doing a REVIEW of the unit by completing activities related to the study of a crime scene (prepared by the police Center). Students are filling their Police Notebook!

1) What are class and accidental characteristics?

2) What are fingerprints and how can they lead to an arrest?