Friday 22 January 2016

Week January 18-22


This week we continued to work on fractions. We learned to compare fractions by finding the COMMON DENOMINATOR and using equivalent fractions.   

We also practiced to draw fractions accurately in order to compare them.


Proof and Investigation:
In preparation to our field trip to the Police Interpretative Center (on Feb. 8th), we had 2 activities specifically related to the study of a crime scene this week.

1) How can bullets relate a weapon to a crime?
2) What is DNA?


Friday 15 January 2016

Week January 11--15


This week we had the Unit Test on ch.4 - Geometry on Monday. On Wednesday, we started our unit on Fractions/ Decimals/ Percents. We first reviewed and practiced the meaning of 'fraction', 'numérateur' and 'dénominateur' using drawings. We learned about equivalent fractions and practiced by drawing equivalent fractions to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/3, etc. using circles and rectangles. We also studied the relationship between numerators and denominators in equivalent fractions (both multiplied by a same number) and practiced to find a missing number in equivalent fractions.


Proof and Investigation:
This week we learned that different tests can be done on fabrics in order to distinguish them. Students had the opportunity to test different fabrics (cotton, polar, wool, nylon, polyester, etc.) by doing the following experiments: color, feel, extension, liquid absorption, color resistance, folding, microscope observation (type of threading), burning/melting (done in a demo by teacher)

Friday 8 January 2016

Week January 5-8


This week we continued and concluded unit 4 in geometry. We reviewed and practiced the types of angles - 'angle aigu', 'angle obtus', 'angle droit', 'angle plat', 'angle rentrant' -, how to measure them and how to trace them using a protractor. We also re-practiced the theorems of the sum of interior angles in a triangle (180 degrees) and in a quadrilateral (360 degrees). Students should be able to find the missing measure of an angle in a triangle or in a quadrilateral using the given information.

TEST on unit 4 will be on Monday.


Proof and Investigation:
This week we  learned about graphology - the study of handwriting. Students got to observe, analyze, study and reproduce handwritings. We also decompose the ink of different crayons and pen using the method of chromatography.