Friday 8 January 2016

Week January 5-8


This week we continued and concluded unit 4 in geometry. We reviewed and practiced the types of angles - 'angle aigu', 'angle obtus', 'angle droit', 'angle plat', 'angle rentrant' -, how to measure them and how to trace them using a protractor. We also re-practiced the theorems of the sum of interior angles in a triangle (180 degrees) and in a quadrilateral (360 degrees). Students should be able to find the missing measure of an angle in a triangle or in a quadrilateral using the given information.

TEST on unit 4 will be on Monday.


Proof and Investigation:
This week we  learned about graphology - the study of handwriting. Students got to observe, analyze, study and reproduce handwritings. We also decompose the ink of different crayons and pen using the method of chromatography. 

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