Sunday 6 March 2016

Week February 29 - March 4


This week we concluded our chap.5 with ratios. Students learned the meaning of a ratio (rapport) and practiced to solve problems using this concept. On Wednesday, the whole time was given for working on REVIEW exercises. The TEST on chapter 5 (fractions, decimals, ratios and percents) will be next Monday. 


This week in ASTRONOMY we focused on the study of the 3rd and 4th planets of the solar system (starting from the sun), Earth and Mars. Students learned specific facts related to these planets, took notes, watched videos and saw images coming from 'Curiosity', the robot sent on Mars (for 3 years now).  We also continued our 'Giant Solar System Decoration Project' on the side.

We also studied more in detail  'light / lumière' (emitted or reflected), 'stars / étoiles' in general and our 'sun / soleil', defining their components and exploring their origin... 

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