Saturday 30 April 2016

Week April 26-29


This week students wrote their test on chapter 1 - Patterns and Equations on Wednesday.  Parents should expect results and copies to sign at the end of next week.

We started chapter 6 - Geometry and measurement on Friday. Our first topic is about triangles. We studied how triangles are identified and classified 

based on their sides 
--> Triangle 'équilatéral', 'isocèle', 'scalène' 
or based on their angles
--> Triangle 'acutangle', 'rectangle', obtusangle'


This week we introduced our unit on Air & Aerodynamics. We talked about 'air' and started to study its characteristics.
On Tuesday, 3 demo were done in class to show characteristic #1 :
Air occupies space. 

On Thursday, 2 demo were done in class to show characteristic #2 :
Air has mass.

Students did their on drawings and explanations of all the experiments (5) to show their understanding. 

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