Tuesday 14 June 2016

Week June 6-10


This week we cover chapter 7 - L'analyse de données et la probabilité (our last one!). Students learned how to:
- recognize 'questions biasées' in a survey and choose an appropriate method to collect data (7.1 & 7.2)
-create linear diagrams, interpret them and draw conclusions (7.3 & 7.4)
-choose the appropriate type of diagram (7.5)
-find the 'probabilité théorique' and 'probabilité expérimentale' of an event (7.6 & 7.7)


This chapter was quite easy and went smoothly (and quickly!). On Friday, students start to REVIEW by doing PAT's practice tests form previous years. 

You can access the PAT's released items on the following link (also on the VLC Calendar):
Students should complete PAT 2010 & 2013 by Wednesday, June 15.
The Math PAT 2016 is scheduled on June 16.


This week we concluded our unit on Air & Aerodynamic with an activity on the 3 type of flying objects: floaters (aérostats) / gliders (planeurs) / powered flyers (vol motorisé).

Students also built a parachute using a cork, string, a small plastic bag and paper clips...they had to design it in the most efficient way!!! (lots of drag)

Students also started to REVIEW the science curriculum by doing PAT`s practice test (2008 & 2010, same link than above to access)

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