Tuesday 14 June 2016

Week June 6-10


This week we cover chapter 7 - L'analyse de données et la probabilité (our last one!). Students learned how to:
- recognize 'questions biasées' in a survey and choose an appropriate method to collect data (7.1 & 7.2)
-create linear diagrams, interpret them and draw conclusions (7.3 & 7.4)
-choose the appropriate type of diagram (7.5)
-find the 'probabilité théorique' and 'probabilité expérimentale' of an event (7.6 & 7.7)


This chapter was quite easy and went smoothly (and quickly!). On Friday, students start to REVIEW by doing PAT's practice tests form previous years. 

You can access the PAT's released items on the following link (also on the VLC Calendar):
Students should complete PAT 2010 & 2013 by Wednesday, June 15.
The Math PAT 2016 is scheduled on June 16.


This week we concluded our unit on Air & Aerodynamic with an activity on the 3 type of flying objects: floaters (aérostats) / gliders (planeurs) / powered flyers (vol motorisé).

Students also built a parachute using a cork, string, a small plastic bag and paper clips...they had to design it in the most efficient way!!! (lots of drag)

Students also started to REVIEW the science curriculum by doing PAT`s practice test (2008 & 2010, same link than above to access)

Saturday 4 June 2016

Week May 30 - June 3


This week we continued and concluded chap.8 - 'Les transformations' by practicing combinations of transformations ('transformations successives').
We practiced in class with many exercises. Students had their test on Thursday.

Combination of transformations





This week we studied the 3 moves of an airplane ( pitch - yaw - roll) and also the parts of an airplane (fuselage, elevator, rodder, vertical and horizontal stabilisators, ailerons). Students should know all the vocabulary in french and understand the function of each part of an airplane. 

On Friday we had a guest speaker who came to talk about the aerodynamic of flight to all gr.'6s. The presentation has been successful, entertaining and very educational - an excellent review for the coming Science PAT. 

Sunday 29 May 2016

Week May 24-27


This week we started chap.8 - 'Les transformations'. We covered 'translations', 'réflexions' and 'rotations' (90, 180, 270 degrees ) with lots of exercises in class. Students should be able to perform those 3 transformations also identifying coordinates (positive only). 





This week we studied the 4 forces involved in the aerodynamic of flight:
LIFT (portance)  /  WEIGHT (poids) / PUSH (poussée) / DRAG (traînée) 

Students also explored and took notes from the website called `The Thrill of Flight`

Saturday 21 May 2016

Week May 16-19


On Monday, students had a practice test in class (questions on the board) and time to review chapter 6 - triangles, polygons, perimeter, area, volume (exercises in the textbook p.240)

On Wednesday, they wrote their TEST on chapter 6 - geometry. 


This week we studied Bernouilli`s principle in detail with many demonstrations in class + drawings + diagrams + explanations + videos.

The main idea is :    fast moving air -->  LOW pressure 

Bernouilli`s principle explains the LIFT created on a airplane (low pressure on top of the curved wings)

Friday 13 May 2016

Week May 9-13


This week students continued to work on finding the PERIMETER of polygons and also practiced to find the AREA
 OF A RECTANGLE (concept seen in gr.5) but this time we added the FORMULA:

A =  L x l

We also studied the concept of VOLUME. With many examples, students understood the meaning of it and learned to use the FORMULA  (why? and how?) for rectangular prisms:

V = L x l x h       (longueur x largeur x hauteur)


This week we continued to study 'air' and its characteristics.
A few demo (+ notes) were done in class to demonstrate characteristic #4 :

Air is compressible

and characteristic #5:

Temperature impacts air

We had our last presentations on 'Actualité scientifique'

Monday 9 May 2016

Week May 2-6


This week students learned about POLYGONS and how they are classified:

'polygone régulier' - 'polygone concave' - 'polygone convexe' - 'polygones congruents'.

On Friday, we worked on finding the PERIMETER of polygons (concept seen in gr.5) but this time we added a few FORMULAS: 

P = 4c  (c: côté)

P = 2L + 2l  (L: longueur    l: largeur)


This week we continued to study 'air' and its characteristics.
A few demo were done in class to demonstrate characteristic #3 :

Air has pressure

We also continued our presentations of 'Actualité scientifique'.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Week April 26-29


This week students wrote their test on chapter 1 - Patterns and Equations on Wednesday.  Parents should expect results and copies to sign at the end of next week.

We started chapter 6 - Geometry and measurement on Friday. Our first topic is about triangles. We studied how triangles are identified and classified 

based on their sides 
--> Triangle 'équilatéral', 'isocèle', 'scalène' 
or based on their angles
--> Triangle 'acutangle', 'rectangle', obtusangle'


This week we introduced our unit on Air & Aerodynamics. We talked about 'air' and started to study its characteristics.
On Tuesday, 3 demo were done in class to show characteristic #1 :
Air occupies space. 

On Thursday, 2 demo were done in class to show characteristic #2 :
Air has mass.

Students did their on drawings and explanations of all the experiments (5) to show their understanding. 

Monday 25 April 2016

Week April 18-21

 Outdoor School for grade 6`s all week !!!

Keep in mind that the MATH TEST on chapter 1 is going to be on Wednesday, April 27. The answer key for the REVIEW DOCUMENT is now posted on the VLC Calendar (April 25th).

Saturday 16 April 2016

Week April 11 - 15


This week we concluded chapter 1 on Patterns and Equations with 1.7 &1.8. Students reviewed the meaning of an equation and learned how to balance an equation. At this point, the concept is simple - anything you add on one side of an equation, you have to do the same on the other side (same applies to subtraction, multiplication and division). Students practiced to illustrate this concept by drawing coins on each side of equations. **Note: isolating a variable in an equation (solving a linear equation) is not part of the gr.6 curriculum yet**

Students received a REVIEW DOCUMENT on chapter 1, as a preparation for the TEST on April 27 (after Outdoor School). They also worked this week on a few PAT questions from 2013 - on chap.1 content - as a practice. I will post an Answer Key of the REVIEW DOCUMENT on April 25 (Monday).

Students ARE NOT EXPECTED to bring any math work during Outdoor School (they have a 4 day long week-end when they come back).


We have concluded our unit on ASTRONOMY. Students had time to work on their ACTUALITÉ project (current events) and to study in class. The TEST on astronomy was given on Thursday. Everybody worked hard through this unit, bravo! Our next unit in Science will be Air & Aerodynamics. 

I wish all grade 6` a great time a the camp next week!!! Hopefully they`ll have wonderful views of the sky and constellations at night!