Friday 11 December 2015

Week December 7-11


This week we started unit 4 on geometry. The focus of this unit is on angles. We studied the different types of angles - 'angle aigu', 'angle obtus', 'angle droit', 'angle plat', 'angle rentrant' -, how to measure them and also how to trace them using a protractor.

On Friday we learned and practiced the theorem on the angles of a triangle:
'The sum of interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.'

We also covered 'angles supplémentaires', when 2 angles together form an horizontal line (180 degrees = 'angle plat'). Knowing the measure of one of the angle allows to calculate the other one.

Students should now be able to find one missing measure of an angle in a triangle (being given enough information).

See Elboya VLC calendar for details on homework and due dates.


Proof and Investigation:
This week we  learned about detailed characteristics of fingerprints: 'bifurcation', 'île', 'lac', 'fin de l`arête'. Students added this analysis to their own fingerprints.

On Thursday, we had a day on 'Current events in science'. Students watched a recent French documentary about 'technology used in education'. They had to find PROS and CONS, list solid arguments and debate in class. 

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