Wednesday 2 December 2015

Week November 23-27


This week we learned how to divide decimal numbers (only by a single digit positive integer) and get to a final answer with NO REMAINDER - adding zeros and continuing the division until there is no remainder. We practiced it in word problems as well.

Here is a reminder of important steps to follow when solving problems:

1) Read the problem at least 2 or 3 times
2) Understand what the question is asking and highlight the important numbers/info in the text (cross out the info that is not useful!)
3) Write all calculation needed to solve the problem in an ORGANIZED way (few words  :  calculation __units) 
4) Answer the initial question with a short sentence including units ($, L, Kg, etc.)  

Students received a REVIEW DOCUMENT on Friday in order to prepare for their coming on test decimal numbers (chap.3) next Wednesday.

See Elboya VLC calendar for details on homework and due dates.


Proof and Investigation:
This week we kept practicing Observation Vs Inference by playing a few games in class. We also studied animal tracks, making inferences on the possible animals involved, their speed and direction. 


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