Friday 4 December 2015

Week November 30 - December 3


This week we finished and corrected the REVIEW DOCUMENT on chapter 3 - decimal numbers. We had the test on Wednesday (place value, form of representation, multiplication, division and problem solving with decimals).

 Parents, expect the test to come home and be signed sometime next week. We will start chapter 4 on geometry (angles) on Monday. 

See Elboya VLC calendar for details on homework and due dates.


Proof and Investigation:
This week we  observed and analyzed shoe tracks in the snow (outside!) in order to make inferences about speed and different ways of locomotion. We also created dichotomous keys in order to classify tracks according the characteristics of  prints/patterns under shoes. 

Finally, we learned about fingerprints - whorl, loop, arch, composite. Students got to record and analyse their own fingerprints in class! 


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